Wednesday, July 19, 2006


...I'm a trumpet player again! I'd stopped playing almost six years ago (time flies!), but a friend/colleague asked me to step in with a community band. So I started practicing Friday. Ouch! On Saturday, it felt like someone had socked me on the mouth, but it hasn't been so bad since. First rehearsal last night -- how long has it been since I played a two-hour band rehearsal?! I was predictably shot by the end, but it was so great to be back in the saddle. We perform tomorrow night. Certainly not a great group or necessarily great music (how many Disney songs can you fit in a medley?), but a real blast! Thanks for twisting my arm, Betsy!

...Have you ever gotten home at 4:50 to find a message on your machine asking for a check to be in the mail that night? Have you ever dropped the check in the mailbox with the five o'clock pick-up time at 4:58? How smooth was that?

...My great-grandaddy would be appalled. At the farmer's market this week, I beheld a full crate of prickley-pear for sale! Ah, well -- one man's trash...

...Mark your calendars, folks! Jeanine is throwing things away! This was my first day of serious packing to move for grad school, and I'm determined that I will weed things out. Just maybe, if I haven't used those ten tin-foil pans in the past five years, I don't need them! I can throw them away! I will no doubt continue to be a packrat, but I'm getting more selective. And my parents breathe a collective sigh of relief! :)

...This season, I'm doing an (involuntary) experiment, comparing the tolerability of chiggers t0 that of poison ivy. Chiggers take forever to go away entirely (it's been a month, and they're still healing!), but poison ivy spreads so awfully, in a rather embarrassing and visible way (I'm a little vain about my hands). Anyone have any input?

...God bless the internet! Never in history has it been possible to arrange as many things long-distance and immediately as it is today. Most of my recent admissions process, apartment searching, job procurring, and communicating -- all done via the world wide web. Of course, an amazing number of things still get lost in translation (or in reality!), but such has always been and I dare say will continue to be the case. C'est la vie.

...Yes, folks, my title is spelled wrong! Appogiatura should have a double g. I noticed this right after I published, but who wants to go to all the trouble to change it? Maybe I'll just be unique -- like the people who spell Jeanine with a G or quick with a kw.


At 9:51 AM, Blogger Xana Ender said...

I suggest: stop being gitten by chiggers and walking through poison ivy. Helpful advice yes? :-D

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Jeanine said...

Yeah. Thanks. That's just what the pharmacist said. I've never had either one before, despite my dangerous lifestyle, so I find it all mildly intriguing. :)

At 10:57 PM, Blogger Jana Swartwood said...

Your poor hands.... Well, soon enough they'll be so focused on piano playing that they won't have so many occasions for chiggers and poison ivy.

That's so funny about your blog name. I would never have known if you didn't say something.

How's the Faire going?

At 12:32 AM, Blogger Mary said...

Unfortunately, I have no incredible advice on the poison ivy or chiggers...except what you are already doing. But I congratulate you on throwing things away! It's quite a step! I am proud of you!

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have successfully mailed bills at 4:58 with pick-up at 5 quite smoothly. Just make sure you have correct postage! I have also paid for things with a debit card after business hours when the money wouldn't be in the account until midnight! That went smoothly, too, until the time they screwed up my direct deposit and I didn't get paid at all. Whats one to do? Have fun sorting!

At 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It turns out the correct spelling wouldn't have worked anyway: 'appoggiatura' was already taken, by some junior banker person from midtown Manhattan. How do I know this? Because instead of bookmarking your blog as any normal person would do (side stepping for a moment the question of what is normal on the internet), I typed in the name and ended up reading about someone who did not sound like J at all. She didn't sound offhand like someone who would know what an appoggiatura is, but of course one can be anyone on the Internet.

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Jeanine said...

See, see, I did it on purpose! :)


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