Saturday, September 22, 2007


I was crunching numbers last night on my way home, and I was a little appalled. In the space of a fairly compact 14-hour workday, I wore the following hats:
- Music therapist
- Piano teacher
- Publicist
- Administrative Assistant
- Student of German
- Pianist

I don't think my car has room for all those hats in one day! Everything went pretty well; sight-reading in public and flying by the seat of my pants is sort of what I do. But I'm still tired. Sigh, sigh, poor me...

On a side-note, Tim the Oil-Change Guy made a deep observation this morning. "You get a lot of oil-changes. You must drive a lot." Uh, yeah, you think so, Tim? Great deductive powers our Tim has.

And that's a glimpse inside my head for this Saturday morning!


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