Friday, August 18, 2006

Have you ever...

...Writhed on the floor in agony? I'm honestly not much of a writher, generally speaking, but this was a writh-worthy experience.

So, I'm working in my happy apartment yesterday evening, having a new-found spurt of energy, when I have this Chicken Little moment. A five pound weight descends rapidly from an overhead shelf, hitting just above my knee before you can say "The sky is falling!" I couldn't even come up with any good periwinkle prose, but chose to cower on the floor in silent agony, instead. After a while, coherent thoughts begin to percolate through the pain-riddled haze.

Coherent thought number one: Oh gosh, I think I just broke my leg.
Coherent thought number two: My mother's going to kill me.
Coherent thought number three: Why don't you check and see if it's really hurt before you get carried away?

Yes, my thoughts speak to me on occasion. The anticlimactic finale: I have full range of motion, no permanent damage is done. Simply stiffness, swelling, pain, and all the lovely colors of the sunset. Good thing I tend to keep my legs covered up -- it's bad enough to explain away the bruises all over my arms (I'm actually not really sure about those -- carrying boxes, I think), but this would really raise eyebrows.

In other news -- received my very first parking ticket today, while waiting in line to purchase my parking permit. Irony, yes? And I was not the only one, I promise!

So, Kentucky's great. How are you? :)


At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your very first parking ticket EVER?!? You, my dear sister, are far too law abiding! I think I still owe the city of Columbia, SC close to $100 for parking tickets. (I had to pay off the University for theirs before they would let me graduate.) And the university of NM booted my car once for parking violations. I'm glad your leg's not broken. You really are talented at injuring yourself in odd ways, though. What was it that fell on you?

At 8:03 AM, Blogger mozartmovement said...

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble...for the Lord your Bod is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." Deu. 31:6.
A song for every occassion.
Hope you have a good weekend and keep your weights on the closet floor!!

At 3:32 PM, Blogger Jeanine said...

Okay, one of you is a defense attorney and one is a mother. Can anyone guess which is which?

Love you both, and I promise I'm really okay! :)

At 12:06 AM, Blogger Jana Swartwood said...

I would say something, but I remember your father giving you a sufficient lecture about taking care of yourself when I was up there this summer. So, I'm not saying anything. I'm not.

But why were your weights on the top shelf to begin with? Isn't that just tempting fate? (In this case, I think we can agree that the answer is "yes.")

I'm glad you're ok, though. It would be rather difficult to start grad school with a broken leg, I imagine.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Jeanine said...

Yeah, okay, maybe it wasn't my brightest moment. They would revoke my MENSA membership entirely if they knew what I very nearly did after I got off the floor... But I stopped myself. I'm not always dumb. I hope! :)

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Jana Swartwood said...

What did you almost do after you got up off the floor???


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