Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I'm Giddy as a School-Girl!

Well, that sort of makes sense. I'm a school-girl, again! UK has a sneaky way of ensuring that I meet all my professors -- they locked me out of every class I wished to register for, so I spent yesterday and today running around to various professors for autographs so that I can take the classes I should. At least I think these are right... We'll see. Actually, the last two days have been great, hassles and all. T's car broke down, so I gave her a lift to school and she was my native guide. So great to know somebody who knows what they're doing! Besides, she has perks like a good parking pass and a practice room key. Not to mention what fun it is to have a friend in a strange land.

I'm so keyed up. I know it's silly, but I have that same feeling R and I would have the night before the first day of school. We used to sleep on the floor, so that we could whisper late into the night. We were always far too excited to actually sleep much, though we couldn't have told you why. I'm still not entirely sure what it is. Maybe it's the sense of upcoming adventure, the knowledge that there is a New Year coming just around the corner of night. I'm so hungry to learn and work and practice; I'm so sure that my inadequacies won't stay decently hidden; the idea of all those People everywhere scares me to death. It's a good thing I have plenty to do this evening and an early morning tomorrow -- I haven't anybody to whisper with tonight, but I know I won't be sleeping much!


At 5:04 PM, Blogger Xana Ender said...

sounds like school is enjoyable. I'm glad.

At 5:08 PM, Blogger mozartmovement said...

I can feel the excitement! Why did I imagine you would be chasing down professors, getting signatures? Nothing as simple as computer registration for you, you individual you...
Can't vait (typo--I mean "wait", or was it a freudian slip of the hand?) to hear more! :)

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I had to impart the knowledge and wisdom I possessed (not much at age 7, I'll grant) to my little sister about something as overwhelming as school! But, as I dimly recall, part of the charm of school starting was how overwhelming and busy and new it all was. Have fun with the school-girl thing! I'm jealous. If for no other reason than you don't have to wear court-clothes to class!


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