Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Warm and Cozy Tips from Jeanine

Last night, I made a marvelous discovery. My friends, the K.'s, gave me a microwaveable heat wrap for Christmas. Now, if you have a headache (or the more severe Headache), the best thing in the world is to curl up under the covers, heat your jasmine-scented heat wrap, and put it over your face. It feels absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, it's a little hard to be productive in this position, unless you have a tall stack of Haydn string quartets that you need to listen to, and you should take care not to suffocate. The warm-and-cozy quotient is extremely high, and you might just fall asleep. Which is what you wanted to do, anyway, and your stupid Headache wouldn't let you.

This concludes your Warm and Cozy Tip of the Day. Grab your jasmine-scented heat wrap and enjoy!


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