Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

I'd love to share some deep philisophical thoughts on the true meaning of Christmas, friends, family, home, and so forth, but I'm in the midst of Christmas with friends, family, home, and so forth! I have been wildly contemplative (is that a little bit oxymoronic?), happily busy, and storing up wise, wonderful, and quirky things to post. That will have to wait, though, since everybody is gathering in the livingroom with coffee and Yule-tide cheer. But I will take a moment to post a photo from last night -- my mother made me some new garb for Christmas, and I was pressed to display her artistry for the family. Umm...I'll try to upload the picture if I can figure out my mother's settings... One moment, please, as we pause for station identification...


At 11:42 AM, Blogger Jana Swartwood said...

So totally cute!

At 8:31 PM, Blogger Ruth said...

I agree!


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