Monday, October 30, 2006

News Bulletin!

This just in: Jeanine is slightly eccentric! Some might even call her "odd" or "weird." Just one more demonstration of her peculiarities:

I like Mondays. I realize that there is probably a (very small) support group that could help me overcome this abnormality, but I don't think I want to. (Besides, I haven't the time.) I like leaping out of bed to greet the day with an annoying amount of energy. Perhaps it's because I tend to catch up on things over the weekend. My house is clean, I have groceries, and I've slept an unusual amount. So I feel good, physically (it's the sleep!), emotionally (a clean house), and spiritually (my churches here are really great). Monday, the start of a new section of my life, brings a clean slate, a chance to start over. It's sort of like New Year's Day, only better -- I get one every week! Why do Mondays get such bad press? I don't get it.


At 2:15 PM, Blogger Ruth said...

You've always been more of a morning person than I thought was natural. Maybe it's the same with Mondays.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Xana Ender said...

Because most people aren't crazy like you ;-)

At 11:44 PM, Blogger Jana Swartwood said...

Believe it or not, I'm a bit of a Monday fan as well. I like the feeling of starting a new week with a clean slate.

However, I am vehemently anti-Tuesday. Tuesdays are the bane of modern society, if you ask me, because they do not carry with them the energy of Mondays, the hope of Wednesdays, or the pre-weekendness of Thursdays and Fridays. Tuesdays are a dreadful, dismal blot on an otherwise unstained calendar.

And that was my opinion before I started taking classes on Tuesday nights. :)

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Mondays and Tuesdays. :)


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