Friday, January 12, 2007

Back in the Saddle Again

Did you ever wonder what it was like for cattle men just starting out on a drive? I can imagine it...

After the frenzied days of round-up, breaking in new men and horses, cattle all fat and sassy from their days of freedom, the routine begins to form. The first few days of a drive must be a bit of a shock -- the schedule arduous, the physical demands considerable. There is the mix of new faces and old, the conflict between old habits and fresh ideas. The daily grind may be filled with drudgery, but it's your own specific brand of drudgery. This is your job, what you do, out under the sun or in the pouring rain. There's the freedom of the open range partnered with the structure of hard work. Even being saddle sore and exhausted feels somehow satisfying, because this is what these days are for. And you know your body will toughen up again, you'll grow accustomed to the changes and comfortable with the routine once more. It's good to have a job to do.

It feels good to me to be back in my own saddle. My vacation was fairly busy; beyond a couple days that were, frankly, absolute laziness, things were happily frenzied. There were To-Dos to do, friends and family to see, practicing to get done. But the structure of my days was largely of my own making. To be back in class, meeting T at the gym before dawn, practicing, teaching, doing dishes -- my job, what I do. I'm tired, of course -- I'd forgotten how early 4:30 can feel! But I'll toughen up again, grow accustomed to the changes. It's good to have a job to do in my own little corner.


At 9:01 PM, Blogger Jana Swartwood said...

I know what you mean. Of course, we're on "ice" days right now, so it's easy once again to feel a bit out of the saddle.


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