Monday, September 11, 2006

I've been saving up!

Sorry I haven't blogged in so long... Somehow, I've simply never gotten the chance. Anyway, I keep thinking of all these great posts while I'm walking or driving or trying to sleep, and then I promptly forget them when I'm at the computer. Since I'm tired and hungry and need to go home and do homework, I'll leave you only with the following frivolous thoughts:

Why do institutes of higher learning insist on going by their initials, even when they come out silly? MSU is fine; U of M is certainly better than UM (which a good elocution coach will abhore!); USC has nothing to complain about. But my own alma mater, RU? Try chanting it at a basketball game, and I give you ten seconds before someone begins to respond: "RU!" "Am I what?" I've seen this phenomenon in action. I've needed to explain my basketball t-shirts, because "RU" simply doesn't make sense in some sentences. And now, of course, I'm attending the fine University of Kentucky. One sees emblazoned everywhere the bold letters UK. UK, as surely everyone knows, becomes an unflattering adjective, as in: "Isn't this an uky (rhymes with ducky) day?" "Boy, this drizzle is uky!" Why, for the sake of convenience, do we invite this sort of derogatory use of our name?

The answer: Many, many people in our institutes of higher learning have simply forgotten how to think. Sad, isn't it?


At 10:00 AM, Blogger Jana Swartwood said...

Ha ha ha!!! That's great. I have had the same problem with "ORU" ever since I started telling people I was going to go there:

Me: I'm going to ORU.
Them: O(h), (a)R(e) (yo)U?

Yeah.... Insert rolled eyes here. But it's a whole lot easier than saying pretty much any university's full name all the time.

Wow, Jeanine, I'm impressed that you gave U of M proper billing in your post. :)

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Xana Ender said...

Or maybe intelligentsia in their ivory tower adore their own frivolity


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